May 22nd.
Write it down on your calendars, because it is a race that you will not want to miss. I will be getting more details out in the near future, but here is the pertinent info you need:
Camp Alexander MTB and 5k trail race.
Sunday, May, 22nd 2011
At Camp Alexander Emporia, KS
Tons' of fun
Food (for a small fee) and music (for free)
That's right Trek/High Gear and the Human Power Company are working hard to bring you what will be one of the best grass roots races you will attend this year. As if fun wasn't enough motivation, the top 3 experts (in each age group!) are guaranteed to make their money back and then some. We are not out to make a profit and want to make the trip worth your while. Sport and beginner top finishers will be rewarded with some very fine, and useful, gear. That's right, not a medal that you will forget about next week, but tools that will help you for the rest of your riding life! And bring your non-riding, but equally crazy running friends, because there will be a 5k trail race to kick off the day.
How can it get any better you ask!? Well, the Camp Alexander trails are very spectator friendly and camping is available on site. Not only that, but let us know that you will be coming in on Saturday and we will round up some locals to show you the race course and point you in the direction of some fine local dining only 3 miles from the race site.
Wow, I am exhausted from excitement just thinking about it. But, seriously now, if you have any questions drop me a comment. Our races are above all about fun. No points, no series, just mountain bikers pushing each other to ride harder and possibly getting something tangible for your effort. We look forward to seeing you there!